A white hummingbird logo that serves as a placeholder when the team member has no profile image.A field of colorful wildflowers

Magof Topasna

Pilimakua and BirthKeepers Administrative Assistant

Indigenous CHamoru

With roots in Guåhan, Magof is Indigenous CHamoru, born as Magof Puti'on (mag-uuf poo-tee-oon) translating to “happy star”. Thus, her career and personal goals have always been to spread happiness and embody our value of inafa’maolek– to “make good” by helping your community. In pursuing this goal, she obtained her Bachelor’s Degree in Law and Policy in hopes of creating new legal pathways and advocacy for Indigenous CHamorus and educating her peers on the beauty of Pasifika culture and the long history of colonization, discrimination, and cultural violence. Being raised in a family of ten and surrounded by children in her community her entire life led her to work in childhood museum education as leadership for frontline staff and supporting the administrative staff in museum operations. There, she learned of the developmental vitality of joy and fun in the upbringing of children and their importance in creating social change.

She discovered Hummingbird as a resource for her family, filled with gratitude for finding a positive and loving representation of Pasifika families in an organization focused on supporting healthy and culturally connected lives for Indigenous families.

She loves learning and researching about culture in general, hoping to eventually return to school for education or cultural studies. She also has a strong belief in the inherent power of art and music to connect you to culture and community, so often spends time drawing and having family jam sessions (she also loves to indulge in a good video game).