
Pilimakua Family

Eight point star in red

About Pilimakua Family Connections

The Pilimakua Family Connections Program provides Indigenous-centered services to support the physical, social-emotional, cognitive, and cultural health of your child and the whole family. Our Pilimakua Family Connections Program offers services that are voluntary, free-of-cost, and offered to Indigenous families (American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander) with expectant babies, new babies, and young children living in King, Pierce, and South Snohomish Counties.

We are centered around pili, the ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi word for connection, and makua, which is the Native Hawaiian/Kānaka Maoli tradition of parenting and caregiving as a whole generation. Our Pilimakua Family Connections Program strives to support Indigenous families in expanding our makua circles with their Pilimakua Staff, our Hummingbird Indigenous Family Services organization, and our whole community. 
As a part of Hummingbird Indigenous Family Services, we help provide a continuity of care for our families from other Hummingbird programs, as well as, welcome new relatives into the organization. 

We are so excited that you found your way to Pilimakua Family Connections! In order to be eligible for any parts of our program, a family must: 
  • Be within 28 weeks pregnant and the child’s 3rd birthday.
    We serve Indigenous families from the prenatal period through the child’s third year of life (28 weeks pregnant to 3 years old).
  • Identify as American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander (AI/AN/NH/PI)
    In order to qualify for our Home Visiting Program, the child and at least one parent/caregiver must identify as Indigenous (American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander). Our program wants to help address the disproportionate effects of racism and colonization on our Indigenous parents by supporting the Indigenous dyad (parent/caregiver and child). In the future, we hope to expand our services to create a program that supports non-Indigenous parents/caregivers in raising their Indigenous child in culturally-sustaining ways.
  • Live in King, Pierce, or South Snohomish Counties.

Pilimakua Program Services & Components

There are many ways your family can benefit from our Pilimakua Program! We have four main components of Pilimakua Family Connections Program that are all wrapped up in Reciprocal Knowledge Sharing of culture and language reclamation & sustainability, caregiver mindfulness & self-compassion, and child development:

1. Home Visits

2. Parent Groups

3. Community Connection Events

4. Emotional Peer Support

All Indigenous families (American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander) with expectant babies, new babies, and young children living in King, Pierce, and South Snohomish Counties are welcome to participate in one or all of our Four Program Services. Please fill out an Interest Form to receive more information about any of our Four Program Services!

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Schedule an Intake Call for Pilimakua Family Connections

To schedule an Intake Call for our program, click the button below and fill out our Pilimakua Relative Interest Form. This will allow us to schedule an Intake Call with you. 

During that Interest Call, we will discuss any additional questions you might have. If, during the Intake Call, you decide to enroll for services, we will get more details about your specific needs and desired goals with your work with us. The Intake Call is generally about 20-30 minutes long and can be done via phone or a virtual call.

As with all our programs, participation is voluntary. You can enroll and exit at any time.
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Eight point star in red
Pilimakua Family Connections Program Vision Goals

Family-focused services that provide support for both the child and family along their prenatal and early childhood journey.

We are centered around pili, the ʻŌlelo Hawaiʻi word for connection, and makua, which is the Native Hawaiian/Kānaka Maoli tradition of parenting and caregiving as a whole generation.  With our Family Connections Program, we hope to achieve pili and makua through the following vision goals: 
Relationships Rooted in Indigenous Joy & Healing

Maintain strong relationships with the families we serve, balancing our Indigenous joy and holding our collective and individual experiences with historical trauma and racism.

Abundance & Generosity

Live in abundance and generosity, as Indigenous families, through resource connection, community support, and continuity of care. 


Maintain and/or build our interdependence, as Indigenous families, by building autonomy and recognizing the supports around us, especially through strengthening our culture and language connectedness, (parent/caregiver, infant, and early child) mental health, and children’s development.

Reciprocal Knowledge Sharing

Engage in reciprocal knowledge sharing between the family and Home Visitor to build understanding of culture and language reclamation & sustainability, caregiver mindfulness & self-compassion, and child development.

Indigenous-Centered Holistic Curriculum

Utilize our own Indigenous-Centered Home Visiting Curriculum that focuses on culture and language reclamation & sustainability, caregiver mindfulness & self-compassion, and child development.

Community Connections

Build relationships and connections with groups, community organizations, and social services to assist with culturally-responsive navigation.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is Home Visiting?
Home Visiting is a family-focused service that provides support for both the child and family along their prenatal and early childhood journey. At ourPilimakua Home Visiting Program, the Home Visits are co-created with families and their Home Visitor based on the unique interests and needs of the family and child. Each Home Visit will often include learning together about culture & language reclamation and sustainability, caregiver mindfulness & self-compassion, and child development through discussion, intergenerational activities, and resource connection. However, a Home Visit can also look like addressing any emergent needs of the family as a Family-Home Visitor Team.

How often would my Home Visitor come?
That is totally up to your family and you! We have options for them to come Weekly, Bi-Weekly, or Monthly. Whatever works with your family's schedule and needs!

Is Pilimakua for parents/caregivers who work full-time or part-time too?
Yes, it is! You do not need to be a Stay-at-Home Parent/Caregiver to benefit from Home Visiting. All families find support by someone coming to visit around Child Development, Caregiver Mindfulness & Self-Compassion, and Culture & Language Reclamation and Sustainability. Our staff will work with you to find times that are best for your family.

What if I have multiple children?
Yay! We love working with every family, no matter how "big" or "small". At Pilimakua, we view our "client" as the whole family. We will specifically work with your children (ages 0-3 years old) that you want us to focus on. We also try our best to bring activities that can engage the whole family (including older siblings) while concentrating on the developmental milestones of your 0-3 year-old.

Do we need to meet at my home?
No. In typical Home Visiting programs, visits are usually completed in the client's home. However, at Pilimakua, we like to meet our Home Visiting Relatives wherever is best for them and their family. We love home visits as much as we love outdoor park meet-ups or community library visits too! 

A field of colorful wildflowers
Decorative quilting in logo colorsDecorative quilting in logo colors

Meet Our Pilimakua Family Connections Drum (Team)

A field of colorful wildflowers