Decorative quilting in logo colors
Eight point star in white
Our Mission

Hummingbird Indigenous Family Services launched in 2019 with the mission of healthy Indigenous babies being born into healthy Indigenous families being supported by healthy Indigenous communities. Hummingbird is the first and only Indigenous agency in King, Pierce, and Snohomish Counties to exclusively serve Indigenous babies and families from zero to three.

We serve those who identify as Native American/Alaskan Native/Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander.

Our programs

Indigenous BirthKeepers
A full-spectrum doula program: we serve pregnant people throughout the perinatal period across the full spectrum of perinatal health needs. This includes support for pre-conception, pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and pregnancy loss or release.
Learn More
The Nest
A Guaranteed Basic Income (GBI) to Indigenous pregnant people until their child’s third birthday. GBI has been shown to reduce perinatal mood disorders, increase self-efficacy, and result in better birth outcomes.
We seek to offer storytelling as a way of healing internalized narratives and to re-create the stories of poverty and Indigeneity vis-à-vis colonization into stories that depict Indigenous pregnancy, parenting, and motherhood on their own terms.
Pilimakua Family Connections
We provide Indigenous-centered services to support the physical, social-emotional, cognitive, and cultural health of the child and whole family. We offer Home Visiting, Parents Groups, Community Connection Events, & Emotional Peer Support. For Indigenous families with expected babies, new babies, and young children (0-3 years old).

Interested in our programs?

Find out if you qualify for our BirthKeeper or Pilimakua Family Connections by filling out the interest form below.
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Mother and daughter in matching shirts honoring children who died in the boarding school era
Eight point star in white
Our Values

We believe...

  • Every parent is the perfect parent for their baby
  • That healthy mothers and babies are the foundation of a healthy community
  • That abundance and generosity are essential in Indigenous resiliency
  • That abundance and generosity are a community responsibility
  • In the validity of traditional knowledge
  • In centering Indigenous people in all our work
  • In the importance of providing culturally relevant care
Learn more
Decorative quilting in logo colors
Quilted hummingbird logo
“Working with Hummingbird was wonderful, heartwarming, and all things beautiful. My experience and expectations were beyond what I expected and I appreciate the time and care that my doula gave me.”
Doula Client
sweetgrass braid
Eight point star in white
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